Spring 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Enter the Basement

It would be nice to make my workouts a Kung Fu movie. Not because my workouts are impressive, but because they fast forward the martial arts scene to make the action better. That way my requirements would only last ten minutes in Hollywood time. Instead, I tackle an item at a time over a two to three hour spans. And that's on a good night. I'm feeling the post sparring / Black Belt class workout today. It was hard sitting still in church today. Muscles kept cramping up. Even though God rested on the seventh day, I don't think I will get that luxury. Of course He's God. He's got the right to rest or kick Brian around for enjoyment. My wife kept giving me the Baptist eye while I was wiggling in my pew. That look usually in tells the "don't do anything stupid that would bring attention to me." The first time she brought me to her church in her home town 18 years ago, I accidentally clapped after the choir finished singing. Needless to say, I was the only one clapping. Southern Baptist Churches don't encourage clapping I guess and I was well informed after the service on proper etiquette, which basically in tells to sit still and shut up. A small head nod is acceptable only the the Pastor drove home a good point. Fortunately now, we go to a much more engaging church. I can stand up with a boisterous Amen and I would get approving head nods from other members except my wife. Once I thought about doing a all out Ki Yup. That would shake things up. The ladies of the church would think I'm smiting the devil right then and there. Of course the smiting would begin as soon as we got into the car.

For those still reading this and have not fallen asleep yet, here is a little synopsis of my faith. Grew up as a Californian and didn't put God into my life in my youth. When I joined the Air Force, I traveled a lot. In fact, I was away more than home. In those far away countries, I saw the true evil man kind can possess. It was frightening. Made me think if there is such evil, then there has to be a way to battle it. I wanted to know if I was going to kill another human being, I wanted to do it with God on my side and hopefully He would be guiding my actions. What I found was true peace and many things I could never explain. There were many times I felt I should have been severely injured or worse, but escaped without a scratch. And when it happens more than a few times, you start to rule out good luck. But the best part was knowing it wasn't just going to go black after my punch card got punched. There was something more than this boot camp world. It's always good to ponder on your next life. Hopefully I will see you there practicing Tae Kwon Do with me.

Journal - Day 26