Spring 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Changes in the air

Hello Cycleillians,

For those of us who have kids, you can probably relate to this journal. Lately, I am becoming aware that my oldest son is coming to an age where he is able to beat me in certain things, and I don't know if my pride is ready for that. I played Connor in chess yesterday and he had me on the ropes for a good while. I had to resort to psychological trickery to change the outcome to my favor, but it was close. Not cheating, just commits to make him second guess himself. I'm sure that strategy will quickly be discovered and he will be poncing on me like a leopard on a three legged gazelle. He's already a much better speller than me and can remember any number he practically sees. I'm starting to use him like the reference section from the library. Since we do home school two days a week, I have been corrected more times than I am going to share here on his school work. He and I are math guys (since I can't even spell kat sometimes), and we head butt on the proper approach to a problem. Many times my wisdom prevails, but my window of opportunities are closing like visit to the Proctologist. 

It's pretty awesome to watch I must say. He knows all the pomsaes without fail and also the higher rank pomsaes just by watching them. Where did that little boy go? He has helped me tremendously with every Pomsae and self defense. It's amazing how I can practice those every night and still look like a one eye walrus with gimp, and he sees it once and has it. So, pride will soon be taking a back seat as he continues to out-wit his old man. At least i still have Trent. That one doesn't own enough fingers and toes to do Jack and Jill math. But his talents are different as they should be. Got to love them.

Journal - Day 19