Spring 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Today I made matcha tea for the first time. I'm excited to keep working on it and trying different recipes. I really want to work on enhancing my drink making skills (coffee, tea, etc.). While I was drinking it, I find a few videos on YouTube on how improve the flavor and different add-ons. 

I worked on poomsaes using the Kukkiwon Youtube. I...

Today I made matcha tea for the first time. I'm excited to keep working on it and trying different recipes. I really want to work on enhancing my drink making skills (coffee, tea, etc.). While I was drinking it, I find a few videos on YouTube on how improve the flavor and different add-ons. 

I worked on poomsaes using the Kukkiwon Youtube. I only review Il, Eh, and Sam. 

Ms. Suzanne and I worked on hopkido 4 last Saturday with guidance from the Grandmaster Lees demo video and in person guidance from Instructor Jen. I didn't think I could learn hopkido from reviewing videos, but after watching hopkido 5 today, multiple times, I feel comfortable with the steps. I'll still need to practice it in person and with an instructor for technique, but at least I'm more familiar about it. Hopikdo it not my favorite thing to practice, so learning it can be a bit overwhelming.  



Final Reflection

Good luck to everyone who is testing this weekend. I wish I could attend, but I am working all weekend. I have one more cycle. I made alot of progress in the beginning, and slowed down when I started working. I will continue to train in-between in the cycles. There's a few more things I need to work on/learn. I'm excited for rest of the year.

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Rollar skating

Went running with my dog, he did so well. I reward him with frozen treat. I put a collar around my cat, and the collar had a feather attached to it further away. So my cat kept trying to get the feathers. My cat and dog were entertaining so I worked on stretches and kicks. Rollerskating tonight and practice some jumps, Because we outdoor skates, we have level skating routes from beginner to advance. I went on the advance route tonight, which was very long routes with hills, going up in big hills going down. It’s tough and it’s hard to keep up sometimes because those people are so fast, I was told that actually come to the advanced skate more and I should psych myself out. 

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If I wasn’t done with burpees I would be done with them today. I had to do 75 burpees at CrossFit. 30 secs on, 30 secs off until I got to 75. It didn’t take long 5-6mins, but man was it great warm up. I started working with my dog on leash training, he’s 6yr but I never trained him consistently because of school. So we’re working on it now. A lot of it will be me and my consistenty with it. We only been in two walks, but I can already notice the difference. its amazing what 30 mins of work, or a bit of daily effort can make in progress. With his training, or when I work on tkd, or with crafting and roller skating. 

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Demo practice

today was the demo team practice in Leland. Very fun,  very exciting. I’m glad to have this opportunity to work on demonstrations and various stunts and tricks.

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Teeth and Trees

I was at the dentist all morning because I was doing a cleaning and filling. The I went to mint hill with my friends to get some plants. They moved to concord almost a full year ago and now they're working on their yard/garden. I picked a blueberry bush because I heard they were good fruit trees to start with and they can stay in pot and be fruitful. I'm not the best with keeping plants alive, partly because I would split my living with my parents, another reason was because I never had much discipline or motivation too. I just potted them and moved them near my front door, so they get great sunlight and I see them everyday.

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Lovely, wonderful day

Today was a lovely wonderful day. The weather was nice. I got done with training today and realize there was nowhere I needed to run too, I didn’t have any task I need to get done, I didn’t need to go anywhere. I just got the bum at my house for a little bit, and that was nice. I watched a few dog training videos, And made some enrichment treats puzzles. I have to work all day tomorrow so I have a bunch of stuff for him that boyfriend can give him while I’m at work. I went rollerskating tonight, the daylight changes and the weather made it so perfect. Starting to get really fast, went down a really steep hill, Need to work on breaking more.

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Future me and current me

So sometimes I feel like the universe is trying to send me a message or guidance through the topic and discussions I talk about or listen to. Yesterday I kept circling around the topic of me in the present and future me. What I do as the present me to help future me, what I chose not to do because future me will work on it me. It occurs to me that future me will eventually be the current me. And current me is so present, finite. Once I go to sleep today, the me that is writing this will be me in the pass. And went I keep thing about past me, the further I go looking back at my pass self, I can see all these similarities and distinct differences. Most of the discussion of future self was about how you have to do things now as an investment...

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Instructors Camps

Finished with the weekend of instructor camps. It was a great experience as always. I’m always an honor and impress with how large king tiger is, and this camp was only for 13+ instructors. I am truly happy to be part of the king tiger community. And I’m glad excited to see all the younger instructors after me grown and share with there peers and younger students.

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Weekend Vibes

Written my journal now rather than later. Im making cereal ice coffee latte. I've been following a barista on youtube and she suggest using the milk from your cereal for an ice latte, to give it a sweeter, or special taste. I'm using cinnamon toast crunch and letting it my milk marinate. I don't know if marinate is the right word, but it feels rights. On Sunday I plan to make a matcha tea with honey drizzle in. Very simple, but I haven't done it yet. I packed a bag for instructors camp this weekend. I am very excited, I haven't gone since I started school. I'm also excited it back in Greenville. I am ready to train my butt off.  I'm a bit worried about the black belt cycle. I have not been as active the past few weeks due to my work schedule. I haven't been able to got...

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While listening to a podcast/video I heard the phrase ...

To master something requires a critical eye of your own work. Critical doesn't mean to point out just the wrong or negative things, but to look at everything, the big things and the little things. Being realistic, but also challenging yourself to be better. 

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My dog had a grooming appointment at different Bandfield hospital than the one in Northlake. It was just a general check, but while I was waiting, I started to have a panic that I'm not doing enough to give him a consistent schedule and discipline due to my lack of knowledge and school. The vet tech came in and she listen to concerns. And we talked for a while, I was concern that I was taking too much of her time, but she didn't make me feel that way. She re-affirmed that he looks well and gave some advice. I really appreciate that little time she took to listen to my concerns. When I went to pick up Kodi, the vet came out and spoke to me to address my concern about anxiety and training, and tips about brushing his teeth. Being heard and listening well is so important. I've especially...

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6 more blogs left

I feel good about today. I got some cleaning done; my calendar is up to date (hopefully). I set up health appointments for me and dog/grooming appointments for Kodi. He's a healthy dog, but I have to brush his teeth more consistently. The weather been warming up, and he has a ton of energy, maybe after work tomorrow, we'll go for a brisk walk/jog.  My boyfriend and I had a serious conversation about selling his motorcycle. He said he doesn't know if he'll ever feel comfortable riding in charlotte. It was a big concern for me when he moved down, but I trusted that 12yrs of riding would make him more prepare.   CrossFit was a difficult aerobic workout, assault bike and wall balls. my legs were jelly afterwards, but that just means it was easy to stretch afterwards. I also did some extra requirements, so I don't have to do as...

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Challenge Yourself

I'm so ready for a day off, but I'll be excited to go back. I been working hard on improving at work. It's important to challenge yourself, sometimes I don't do things because I don't know how or don't feel confident. But stopping myself won't help me growth and develop. I should know my limits realistically, but I should also seek out opportunities to learn things I'm unfamiliar with, or work on things my own.  Also trying not to multi-task. Sometimes I need to focus on one thing at a time. 

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Worked to 12 hour shift. I’m Feeling more confident and comfortable with my roles and responsibilities. In the morning I’ve been getting up and will do 10 to 15 minutes mix of push-ups, sit-ups and burpees. I just have to settle with doing more in days I don’t work. And be very organized with my scheduling. Because realistically, I’m way to exhausted post shift to do much. And there’s only so early I can wake up and get req done. Watching avatar tonight and eating leftover!

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Busy Day

Today was probably the busy day I've had at work. I had patients that required alot of care. I was pretty much running back and forth with running meds, answering questions, checking and assessing. My preceptor gave me the opportunity to work on my own and handle task by myself. But even with how busy it got today, I rather do it now than when I'm on my own as a nurse. 


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Weakest point

I'm glad I was able to train under Grandmaster Lee, excited to see him at Instructors Camp soon. He really good at explaining practical principles and techniques. Got my Invisalign taken out today. Official done with them. The dentist and assistant asked me how I felt about my treatment and my teeth. I wasn't always the most consistent at wearing them, but the effort I did do has greatly improve my smile and confidence. It also made me more discipline with my dental care and routine. So while there may be thoughts of if my teeth can be straighter or whiter, I'm happy with what I have. And I accept that there will be things I can't change, and I what my effort put in.   Decided to go running with my dog. The goal was to run 30 minutes, he got tuckered out at 20 minutes, so I took him home...

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When I don’t know …

Thank you Master Foster and Master Knight for a great class tonight. It was great to go to another King Tiger and work with others. Today I worked in something that I’m not very knowledgeable about, insurance & benefits It was frustrating and I felt overwhelmed and I didn’t want to work on it. But I keep reading, and re-reading very slowly. I looked up videos and I called my dad for assistance. He also gave me some advice. That I can look into and make the best derision I can, but when I learn more, I can go back and change my decision next year. Ive grown so much I forget that I let fear of the unknown gets me like that.

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Accountability Post #5

This week has been an adjustment. I have to be more intentional with planning my day due to my work schedule being inconsistent. I have been doing my requirements but as tough as I would usually go. I have to find a good balance. On workdays, get down however I need to. On days I don't work, challenge myself and maybe get extra minutes done. But the nice thing about taking it slow this week, it I feel pretty fresh and recover. Today I went running and I felt pretty good.  There still things I haven't learned and things I need to improve.  I made a plan for work this week and I hope to follow it. 

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Today was my birthday and I appreciate all the warm wishes I received. I really need to thank Peyton for encouraging me to do my back walk over, I was finally able to get it! After I did it one time, it got easier. Went to a food truck festival. Tried to many things, it was great.

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Reset, Refresh

I had a vascular access class for work today. Reviewing the proper way to put an IV in someone. It's an intimidating task that a lot of nurses ask the IV team to do. But you have to learn and try. Not every hospital has an IV team, and you can always wait. I have successfully got an IV on 3/5 patients.   I used today as a big clean up day. I was supposed to have a hair appointment today, but it got cancelled. I tried not to be rude in my responses, but the stylist was taking a long time to response to rescheduling. But she was nice enough to give me discount when I rebook with her. Still working on getting into the swing of balancing work, black belt cycle, and general life.  

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Managing life

2nd day of work, today I got to care for a patient. There’s things that feel familiar to when I was in school, but other things that I was responsible for that I am now. It’s going to be a long transition into nursing, and I’m never going to know everything. But the key is to keep asking questions and working on learning and improving more. The people I’ve been working are great, having a supportive team is helpful. Another big aspect is to take care of yourself and find a routine. Something I’ve been reading a lot about with atomic habit. Today I did my physical reqs. before work, when I get off I going to attempt to go to a run.  

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First day on the unit

Today was my first nurse shift on the unit. I saw some very interesting patients and medical interventions. I will be under the guidance of a preceptor for about a few months, building to be more comfortable with patients on my own. Each shift I need to work on being more comfortable and competent in my skills. I also have to manage the black belt cycle with doing 12 hr shifts. Good thing I been working really hard in January to stay on track. 

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Demo Camp/Try-Outs

I am wiped out from demo camp today. It was a great opportunity. Even if I didn't make the team, I feel much stronger with the kicks and tricks I attempted and practiced. I think everyone who showed up saw some improvement. It's also nice to see that even if we all go different dojangs, we still encourage and help each other. I should continue to practice some the movements; I can only get better if I try and work on them. Other than demo, I've worked on my book essay and found a follow-along stretching video on YouTube to do for my middle splits. There are tons of videos on YouTube, the main thing is to be consistent in stretching; however, this video's drills made me much more comfortable pushing further into my split.  

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Accountability Post #3

Leadership two is done.  Stretching is going well, but now I also need to add more of a mix of strengthening kick drills and color belt kicks. I still need to learn staff form #4 & #5, Anyo Isa, and double sticks #1 & #2. And I need to review all the new things I've learned. Finished atomic habits and I need to start the essay. I can start looking at more information for the 7 hand technique essay. And I need to review the study guide for the written exam. Overall making progress, but I need to continue with the progress and push myself to reach my ambitions. Making it achievable and finding time to rest. 

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I went running before sparring class, it was a guided interval speed training run. So had to run different paces for 80 secs with 80 sec rest.  The guided run voice on my app said to fully take the rest, don't try to keep running in-between rounds. You have to fully rest before you can give it your all. Especially this week with on the orientation modules for work, I feel like I keep running, and moving, and doing something. There always something to do.  But I can keep moving and moving and moving, trying to give my all all the time. I really have to almost force myself to stop and slow down, recover. There so much I want to do, but if I don't stop to recover, I can't give it my all.  

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Modules and Online work

Lots of desk work today. I did end the evening with a workout and taekwondo. Probably will go to bed now so I can wake up early and finish some more work. 

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CrossFit, Running, Rolling,Taekwondo, Roller Skating

A very active day. I told myself to go to CrossFit today because it was alot of jump rope, running, handstand pushups, burpees, and sit ups. I came home and did some training modules. Then I went to King Tiger and ran. I ran a 5K because I've been following a training app, but man, the running time and distance has been increasing. During some down town at KT, I had a rolling race and a cartwheel with some of the kids. Later this in the evening I went roller skating, I've been working on a couple moves, I fell a couple times, I adding it to my fall times.

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Today can be describe a progressing. I progressed further in my career with orientation today. I finished Atomic Habit today. I went for a recovery run and my relax pace has gotten faster. Braxton and I have been running together, and he's improved a lot. And I made the best matcha latte this morning.  Today was a good day. I'm about to go out and celebrate the new job with a few people.  

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Sunday 2/4

Worked a lot on kicks at poomsae class today. I really want to prioritize my kicks now, even with the increase in physical requirements. As always on Sunday I prepared for the week. I made Salmon in the air frier for the first time. Excited for orientation day tomorrow!

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Dog Sitting

I'm dog-sitting this weekend, but in between that I've been prepping for my first day of work this upcoming Monday! I've also been reflecting on what went well during January and what I want to improve on. How will I keep up with my black belt requirements while transitioning to this job. What do I need to get down this week to be successful.  But the nice thing about dog sitting is I used it as a weekend to enjoy some puppy love and watch movies I never seen before.

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Rat Update

Today I donated blood at Red Cross today. I'm glad I did my requirements before because I not supposed to do any heavy or excessive exercise for 24hrs. Honeysuckle, the outdoor rat we found was unable to really socialize with the baby rats we got (two more since I last update, so four babies). She was getting overstimulate, in a state of fight or flight. She would hide in the corner of the bin when we introduced her to the others. When we tried to put her back in her separate cage, she started biting and we were unable touch her. We discussed re-releasing her. We can't keep her if she is getting overstimulated, and we have enough animals in our apartment. It's a tough decision.  We started introducing the 4 babies with our 4 original rats and looks like things are going well. Going to end the night with a...

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I have moments where I feel like I'm not improving. I ran four miles today not even close to my pre-test run and I still struggle to do 10 push-ups in a row.  But that's only because I am looking at the numerical improvement. I've improving because I've been consistent. My push-up form is better and I've run more than I've ever done previously. And later this same day, I've gotten further in my pull-up. I know I've gotten stronger, and I just need to keep it moving. The progress will come. Have I rested enough? Have I properly replenished with food and water? Am I practicing in a way that will produce the outcome I want? These are all questions I should ask myself if I feel fatigue and struggling, but I also have to look at the other aspect where I have improved. I also took a really long...

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Word Vomit Wednesday

Thank you, Master Llyod for helping me with the staff forms today. Slowly but surely, I am checking that curriculum list off.  I worked on the Personal Development essay and finished it. Finished meaning that I have it all written down, so now I can just work on editing it. That was my biggest goal this week, so I am pleased. That what most of my day was spent on besides some chores and the physical requirements. I worked on my over splits today. What I really need to work as well is kicking drills with the wall or chair, strengthen my muscles, but I didn't have time today. Ending the night watching cleaning and watching TV. I might watch a few kukkiwon videos as I fold laundry.

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Slow and steady Tuesday

I started today sleeping in. Its nice not having to get up and go anywhere first thing in the morning, but only sometimes. Monday I had a lot of high, do it, energy. Today I still have energy, but its a bit slower if that makes any sense. I'm still motivated, I feel good, I feel excited for the day; but I don't feel like I need to rush and get a lot of things done. I know what I need to do today, and it will get done. I probably really start my day and black belt requirements after I have lunch with my friend. Then later if I have the energy, I will go roller skating.  Because I have such so much to do this evening, it good I slept in, or at least that what I will tell myself.

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Monday Motivation

I am feeling productive and fresh. I love beginning of the week. Got further into the required book reading. Preparing for the job next week and cleaning through mail and computer. I worked on some kicking drills, stretching, using a chair and holding/pulsing my kicks. I spent most of the afternoon at Lake Norman king tiger today. Got leadership, mentor and mentee session, and I worked alot on poomsaes and self-defense. Teaching and working with other is so beneficial to improving. I know all the stick forms and I am pleased with the high and balance my kicks. Sometimes I can kick high, but my knee doesn't straighten. But I been trying really hard to fix it.  I need to pack more snacks, my energy started to dip and I could fill it- going to go fix it now!

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Sunday Reset *Rat Updates*

Getting ready for the next week! I got my scrubs for my job next week. My boyfriend and I cleaned the apartment yesterday, so today we got to sit and bum around watching movies. This week is about progressing. I recognized what the habits I've been forming and working on the big or small changes to improve. Pet updates: Were getting 3 more rats, two babies and a momma. We're going to introduce them to honeysuckle (the skittish outdoor rat we found). Spending the evening preparing the cage while by boyfriend picks them up. So now have a total of 8 lady rats: Original Cage: Sweet pea, Poppy, Rose, Indigo,                                                   New Cage: Honeysuckle, Witch-hazel, Nightshade, and Cosmos 

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Accountability Post #2

Alright, week 4 in the cycle. Because I was focused on the state exam, I haven't been writing my essays and I'm only a few chapters into the required book. This week I need to step up and work on that. Class requirements and leadership requirements are progressing as they should. Leadership can be hard to get, we have so many people asking to lead for the cycle. But I just need to either show up early enough to ask.  Mentor and mentee sessions was another challenge to get done. I'm used to always being at King Tiger and having so much time, but now I have to make more of an effort to be there and be there when they have ability to have a session. I'm not behind so I don't need to stress, but I definitely need to emphasize getting it done.  There is a lot of things...

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Vision Board

Tonight I went to a vision board event, where we shared goals (and s’mores) for the year.  it was nice of it because I’ve been thinking about what I’ve done in January and what I wanna do moving forward. Similarly tomorrow I need to look at where I’m at with Cycle and see where I can improve And what I’ve accomplished. Went running this morning and listen to different songs to use for my demo.

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Keep moving

I was feeling unmotivated to do any of my requirements today. I slept til noon, caught up with few shows. I had to run interval runs today on my training app, but it was raining and I was tired, but I got up and just started moving, even if it was slow or not my best. I did so push-ups, sit-ups and jump rope, then went outside to run. I didnt wan to run, but after starting and getting mid-way, I felt really good. I was motivated and I finished 2.5 miles and felt energized to go to sparring. Sometimes you really just have to do it and give it over with. 

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Movement Exploration

Re-thinking the Cartwheel (Movement Exploration) (youtube.com) A video popped up in my YouTube feed about how to do a cartwheel. But demonstrator talked about how its beginner movement for people looking to get into acrobatics and gymnastic skills.  He talked about the movement can be broken down into 4 parts: the entry, exit, and mid-movement. He challenger me, the viewer, to explore variations with my cartwheel. Changing the distance of my where my hands start, landing/starting at different levels (low to ground vs. standing), slowing down or exploding in/out of it, landing on other foot. He suggested taking time out of day and just practicing cartwheels, taking time to breakdown, explore, and get comfortable with trying different variations of a cartwheel. The final exploration is the essence, which explores the other tricking and motions that may not look like a cartwheel but has the foundational movements of a cartwheel. He demonstrated...

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Basic Life Support, CPR Classes

Today I took a basic life support class to refresh my skills before I start my job. It went really well; I've done one almost every year for nursing school. My chest compressions have gotten better depth wise and rhythm. Hopefully later this year or next year, I can get my Advance life support certification, which teaches more medical interventions to recover from cardiac arrest or respiratory problems. I've been running with Braxton in the afternoon, it's been a nice way to make sure I get runs in. I practice my jump and hurricane kicks. My mentee and a few other kids are doing a demo for a school competition. So we gave them critics and started working with them on doing Koryo in sync.   

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Cajun Queen to Celebrate

Went to Cajun Queen to celebrate my nursing license. Never been, but I love trying new places. Today I got my requirements done and ran 3 miles.  I probably should plan my week out, but I am processing my food coma right now, so I will plan later or tomorrow. 

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Courtney Benson, Registered Nurse

I am licensed to be nurse in North Carolina (and other states). Thats the biggest news of the day, but I just got those result 30 minutes ago.  The morning was mostly requirements: black belt class, physical req, and I did some middle split stretching. The afternoon was spent playing video games. For dinner, I went to an all you can eat sushi and Japanese restaurant called Sushi Hana, 10/10 worth the money.  Now that I completed my schooling for now, I have decided how I want to forward. My nurse residency at Atrium starts Feb 5th, but what else do I want to accomplish.

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Accountability Post #1

Today is when I pull all my weekly requirements in; so on Fridays, I will review my progress. I'm using a running app to complete runs. I'm also try to do a mile run when I'm at King Tiger. The runs feel good, but I'm also still feeling very fatigue afterwords, and I'm do not feel like I'm running fast.  The other physical requirements are getting easier to do, and I feel stronger. Taking rest days have help, even if that means I load other days a bit heavier. I do need to work on my pull-ups, specifically holding the top part more, I've been doing banded or rows. I want to go over my form and technique more this week with Poomsae's. I also have to go over weapons because I have not done them in a while. Progress well with self-defense. I've learned all the hopikidos require, and I'm...

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My brain is shutting down

I don't have much to say today. I took my state exam and I'm very nervous to get the results back, which take up to 48 hours. I'm going to finish my requirement and shut my brain off. There not much I can do but wait.  Things I'm grateful for today: My kitten greeted me this morning with cuddles and affection.I went to my favorite boba spot.I feel stronger after taking a break on requirements.

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Matcha Lattes. Learning w/ Videos

Today I made matcha tea for the first time. I'm excited to keep working on it and trying different recipes. I really want to work on enhancing my drink making skills (coffee, tea, etc.). While I was drinking it, I find a few videos on YouTube on how improve the flavor and different add-ons.  I worked on poomsaes using the Kukkiwon Youtube. I only review Il, Eh, and Sam.  Ms. Suzanne and I worked on hopkido 4 last Saturday with guidance from the Grandmaster Lees demo video and in person guidance from Instructor Jen. I didn't think I could learn hopkido from reviewing videos, but after watching hopkido 5 today, multiple times, I feel comfortable with the steps. I'll still need to practice it in person and with an instructor for technique, but at least I'm more familiar about it. Hopikdo it not my favorite thing to practice, so learning it...

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Mentor Session

Very sore, will probably take it easy tomorrow with physical requirements. Even though I'm sore, I feel like I can see improvement with my push-ups. Today was a nice day with my cousin, we watched Hobbs and Shaw and Deadpool II. I got my car fixed and did some light studying. I had a mentor session with Master Nastasya today, we went through the color belt Poomsae. She gave me very specific critiques that I'm excited to work on. New hand positions, places I can improve my preps, keeping my head level with transition to different directions. I'm excited to work on the improvements. I really love Poomsae work.     I'll work on them this week, and probably video tape myself doing them this weekend. I like reviewing them and seeing what I can do well and what I can do better. My Instagram page had become mostly martial arts content...

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Upcoming Exam

Setting my intentions this week to prioritize study and rest. This Thursday is my state exam to get my Nursing license. It a tough exam, but I’ve been studying and school had prepare my class really well. I have fate that I’ll pass, but I still need to continue studying and review material. I also need to rest, so I’m mentally fresh for it. That means I need to prioritize getting requirements done for the cycle effectively. I might limit my other workouts or fun activities this week (CrossFit and Rollar skating if it doesn’t help me get requirements done). I may try to get ahead, so just do them after the exam, so I can rest Wed/Thur. Tonight, my father and I had dinner, it was nice. 

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I feel like I finally recovered from the pre-test run. I am so please with my run time. My first four miles run and at a really consistent pace of 8:30. One of my goals this year was to run 4 miles under 40mins. Now that I reach that goal, I guess I’ll train to run a 10k. I have the Nike training app and using it to pace/train myself. Honestly running your first mile is hard, then running two or three is tough too, but now that I can comfortably run 3 miles, what’s an extra mile or two. Learn how to pace yourself. “Run slow to run fast” is a big tip in the running groups.

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Vet Visit

This is the first cycle I'm not working at King Tiger. It's different and it brings a new set of benefits and challenges.  I have to work harder to make time to assist in class, and meeting with my mentee and mentor.  Today my boyfriend and I took the rat we found outside to the vet. It been more confirmed that she's not a wild one and someone most likely abandon her. She got a clean bill of health, so now we have to decide what to do, keep her and slowly introduce her to ours or find someone else who's able rehabilitate her.  Today I took it easy with physical req. because I want to save my energy for tomorrow runs.   

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Self-Defense, Sparing, & Skating

I reviewed hapkido 1-6 today and Sipjin. There so much to learn, evening at this degree. Master Evins showed me the King Tiger app and where I can watch the hopkido forms. I still need to review them with partner. I've been practicing color belt self-defense on my own, but during class today, it was the first time I've done them with someone sense the cycle starts.  Sparring was great, my endurance feels good, and it can only improve if I keep training and recovering right. For, example I probably could have more energy if I brought a snack and not have the last thing be on my stomach ice cream. I remember the first sparring class I took after recovering from hyperthyroidism. After months of being out of breath and fatigue, it felt good to exercise and have the energy to do it. And while i was still out of...

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  44 Hits

Wonder Weather Wednesday

Wonderful weather, considering the storm yesterday.  My crossfit workouts have been strangely in sync with the cycle. Monday we did pull ups and jump rope, today we did pull-ups and push-ups.  Went to king tiger early to help with after school class before work. I got my curriculum sheet and highlighted the requirements I know. There’s a lot to still to learn, even at my belt. I’m going to bed early tonight. I need to rest. Excited for class and sparring tomorrow.  

  52 Hits

Stormy Day

Stayed home today with my pets. Fun fact about me, my boyfriend and I have a dog, a kitten, 4 rats, and a rat in our hospital cage because we found her outside. Definitely not a wild rat, most likely someone released it outside, she very timid, won't bite, but hides under her bedding. I didn't start doing requirements until later in the day. I slept in, then got some other errands done. I couldn't do jump ropes in my apartment, so I did penguin taps (you jump like a penguin and double tap your legs. I worked on them when I was learning how to do double jumps. It was actually tough to do that for 1 minute no stop. I did burpee with gorilla jumps, because I'm want to work on my jump kicks and explosiveness. Doing gorilla jumps in Master Marcus sparing class really helped with improving my...

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  39 Hits

Monday- Study. Practice. Train.

Incorporating requirements into what I do currently in my fitness routine. I enjoy the changes to minutes and the checklist in the books, it's makes me feel more accomplished. I'm also studying to take my licensing exam for to become a registered nurse (RN). Most of my days are going to be a mix of black belt req, nursing studying/quizzes, and more black belt requirements. The exam is on January 18th; so, I plan to work hard until then, and on the 19th, I'm staying home and play videogames all day.    I still need to find a mentor and mentee; it will be done before the week is over. Help out with classes today at Lake Norman, I missed so many kids and teaching. I got to work with new students (older kids), we went over kicks and punches. They did great, but I had reassured them that they did,...

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  39 Hits

Beginning of the Cycle, Pre-Test Refection

This is my fourth cycle, first cycle with the changes to the requirements.  I have confidence in my color belt curriculum, but I know I need to work on my black belt Poomsaes and my weakest practice is my self-defense.  I'm going to have my black belt by the end of the year. I've passed before and I know what I need to do. I set a routine and I do it; I want my black belt, so i have to keep it as one of my priorities. It's going to be longer than I have to do before, but that's the challenge. This whole year, part (a lot of a part) of my life has to be dedicated to Taekwondo.  So it not just about if I pass, It's about how much I can and want to improve.  We just finished the Pre-Test, by the end of this cycle or...

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  72 Hits

First Journal ... Testing

Just testing to see if it my journals post yet. I'm kind of using this week to prepare and organize myself. Doing a few requirements but trying to not overdo it. Wednesday was the first workout of the year (and since and November) and I can feel it.  Closing chapters to things. Preparing for this journey. I'm so excited for the new year! 

  69 Hits

10/11 Testing

Testing today, I am super pump! its getting colder so my tree should be growing better

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Took out my locks, I'm going to miss them, but I'm excited to switch up my hair. I also went running and did some push-ups

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I got to remember to water my tree, I do not have a green thumb. 17 more days until testing: 15 more miles left = 1 mile/day 1175 more push-ups and sit-ups = 70-100/day 584 more self-defenses = 35/day 372 more poomsaes = 22/day

  493 Hits


Tired and I don't really want to do anything, but I did it anyways because that was I'm supposed to do. Doing nothing isn't going to help me reach my goals

  471 Hits


Taught some classes today, usually I teach the Wangho, but today I did Junior/Senior Tigers too. Finished Rolls and Falls (1000 tracked under meditation). Only 2000 push-up and sit-ups, 25 miles, and poomsaes and self-defense left! I been working long hours, and I haven't had time to run outside, so Ill been running on the treadmill at the gym. Not my favorite thing, but it works. Tomorrow, I have to take my car to the shop, so hopefully I can go for a run while they check it out.

  573 Hits


My core is soooooo sore, it hurts to laugh. So no requirements done today. Went through some old stuff and collected supplies to donate, and got a couple of bookbags to put them in. Trying to decide right now should I join the honor society at college. Is it worth it? does it change anything? Do I even have time for it? So hopefully I can meet with a adviser this week and ask my questions.

  493 Hits


I should have study more for the written test. I did great, but I could have done better but I only studied a little this week. Went to see the new It movie, so freaky, so good.  Had a really good conversation with my dad today (he's posted in the midwest right now) I really miss him, but this is good job for him, and seems happier, less stressed. I just hate that I wont see him til Thanksgiving. He won't be able to come see me test for my next belt, which sucks because he had to miss the last one.    

  454 Hits


The physical and written test is this weekend you guys!! make sure you get some rest today. You can't do your best if you don't get your rest! 

  0 Hits


I love testing day, it so amazing to see everyone progress in Taekwondo. I'm taking it easy for the next to days. I been pushing myself so much for the past couple days, the body can only take so much. Even with all the push-ups Ive done for this cycle. Doing 10 is still super hard. I know I can do more, but I can either physically or mentally. I got to remind myself that I'll been doing push-up, sit-ups, and other things everyday. Even though I spread them out and get them done, my body still feels that exhaustion, and then I still keep going. I got to give myself time to recover, so today I'm going to take it light, some push-ups and sit-ups, probably no running get some poomsaes and self-defense, as well as stretch and yoga.

  468 Hits


Had to catch-up and finish some assignments today. I should have done them this weekend, but I wanted to play Sims, so now I'm paying the price. Did not do a lot of requirements today, but I did a ton yesterday and I will do more tomorrow.  Also I think I'm going to ask new people to write my recommendation letter. I asked two teachers from my classes last semester and they haven't wrote one for me (well one offer, but I would have to be there and tell him what to write and I don't feel like doing that). I don't know my teachers that well yet, and they don't know me. And all I do is go to school and work, so I'm going to have think hard on this one.

  0 Hits


Was almost late to work this morning, had to rush out the door. Did a lot of poomsaes and self-defenses. Found my BB Book. Still doing homework but I want to sleep

  471 Hits


I have misplaced my BB Book, uugggh. I cleaned my room, I checked my car. Where is it!!! I guess it going to have be one of those "I'll find it once I stop looking" moments. Gong to add the Instructor camp, sparring seminar, and 5K bonus in today, so I have a better idea on what I have left. SO close to be done, but yet still so far ... My mom finished a crocheting/knitting a blanket for me it so beautiful and warm. My mother is amazing. When she wants to learn something new, she gets very passionate and very into it, I admired that. She made jewelry, soap, sewing, hair (braids, weaves, and everything else).  Worked on pull-ups today after BB Class. I really want to improve on them, but they are sooooo hard. 

  467 Hits


Signed up for the Sparring Seminar this Friday. I really grown to love sparring and I love that were going to get additional training. Cleaned up and prepared for the week. Have to go to sleep early so I can get up at 4am tomorrow. 

  480 Hits


Really nice service at church today. After I finish some assignment, I played sims all day. It was nice.

  527 Hits


Me and my friend were chatting the other night and she had to write a essay about the life events that shaped her life. And she felt kind bad that 3/4 life events were negative. We kept talking, and I told her that we change and grow from experiences. When we get comfortable for too long, it can led us to stagnated growth. So life is going to throw us things and make us uncomfortable, but a positive spin of it is is you're going to growth and change. I'm not happy that I was diagnosed with Grave's disease, but I appreciate the person I change to because I dealt with Graves. I think I could have been this motivated, independent, hard-working person years ago, but I think because I was so use to being comfortable and not pushing myself more, I wasn't........This journal is very jumbled and a bit confusing,...

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  428 Hits


Went to 9Rounds today and did worked out, did all my pushups and situps in 30 mins. Had a mentor session with Master Natasya, worked on kicks. Now Im just working on some homework with a friend.

  403 Hits


Worked on a biology assignments where I had to classified 50 different organism, which was really nice. Taught class today at King Tiger, was super nervous/excited about it. The class was bigger than what I'm use too. 

  498 Hits


Long and busy day. It was first day of after school at King Tiger. Classes were huge, I just played games and kicks with a little review. A lot of kids were new, or were gone over the summer. Also, it nice to have a fun game-like class every once in awhile.

  436 Hits


Did not do any requirements today. But i cleaned and decluttered my room. I sold/donated most of my clothes today and I cleaned under my bed. I also meal prep today. My mom gone the whole week, usually I make breakfast and lunch, but she handles dinner since I always come home late. Made homemade pizza! Finish up some homework. I don't like how one of my assignments is coming out, so ill tackle it tomorrow with a more cleared head.

  439 Hits


Last day of summer camp, kids were crazy, but I just rolled with it. We played tons of games, ate pizza and ice cream, and had our last award ceremony. Kids award me the "nicest counselor" award. I going to miss some of the summer campers only, but I'm excited to start the school year. I didn't get a a lot of requirements done this week, but that okay. This is was the first week of school and I have a pretty good idea of how to build my schedule. I love building and managing my time. Finishing my night call my dad, who off in another state, to talk about careers, school, and just tell him I miss him. I don't think he'll be back til October. He travels alot more now for his job, which is amazing and so cool, but I miss him. I remember when he came...

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  429 Hits


I've been helping teach more classes. I've been working at King Tiger for so long now and I really want to help out more, plus I need to step out of my comfort zone every once and while. Me and and another instructor go back and forth teaching on class. It been nice, I was really worried, but I've been managing. Today I made the class work on basic blacks and stances, as well as teach them study guide questions. Then at the end of class, we played a study guide game. Worked with Master Natasya on kicks, hopefully when I;m less sore and tired I can work on them more. Then I took sparring, we did some awesome stretches, I felt great.

  422 Hits


Life is funny. When I was younger, my mother would have to drag me out the house to go running, or promise we would eat after. I remember she was better at running and would have to push me to keep up with her. I would sometimes sprint farther ahead then walk the rest of the way or hid in the bushes and say I finish early. Now I actually go running. I was excited to do the King Tiger 5K a couple months ago. My mother and I went running earlier this year, but she been traveling so much that I haven't seen her much. Hopefully once things settle down we can go running/walking more.  Life is funny. There are things that I do now, that my past self would have never thought I could or would do. 

  428 Hits


When downtown for my first ASL class. The instructor is deaf. So today we had an interpreter, but after today, she won’t be there. There will be little to no English speaking in the class, only signing and gestures. The instructor said “I live everyday in the hearing world and manage, so you guys can handle 1hr” So this is going to be an interesting class!  

  424 Hits


I am super happy with the pretest today. I remember during my first testing as a bo cho, I could only do 12 pushups at the pretest and 25 at the physical test. And when I did the mile, I ran it in 12 mins. But now I did 31 pushups this time and ran a mile and a half in 13 mins. I never though I would get this far physically. I'm so pumped!!  

  467 Hits


I've been working with Master Natasya on color belt poomsaes fo the last couple of days. She has helped me alot with technique and how kukkiwon does poomsaes vs how we do poomsaes. It has been really good mentor session, but so many little changes. I worry about more changing my forms later. I cannot change too much right before the Pre-test. Super pump for tomorrow!!! Let's go you guys!!  

  416 Hits


One of my co-workers left for college. Really sad, and I'm going to miss him, but I'm happy for him. I started classes today and I am super excited to start the school year.

  409 Hits


Cleaned up the house today. I'm start classes tomorrow and having a clean space always makes me feel more prepared. When to adult class and did some rolls and falls. 

  468 Hits


Finished all my mentee sessions! My mentee is going to test on Thursday, I can't wait. Finish all my burpees, I'll still do them, but that one less thing to do. Been studying this week to prepare for the pre-test, I am super pump to get it done.

  456 Hits


One more week until school starts and I am super excited! Working alot of hours this week, so I got to make sure I rest this week. Hopefully I have time to write some essays this week. I need to finish my book essay and start my Kwan essay.

  427 Hits


I meant to journal before midnight, but I got caught up study. When to sparring and black belt class on Saturday. Sparring was great, we did two on one sparring which was fun. We haven't done it in a while. Got kicked in the face, but there are worse things to happen in life, and it was pretty funny. I want/need to start practicing head shots, I just want to make sure I can do them without hurting someone. We practiced kicks in black belt class. I am really happy with my kicks!. But I still need to stretch more. I went running today and I do not know why, but I really pushed myself today. I ran the mile in 9.4 minutes, which is about average. But for me, that one of the fastest miles I ran.  

  442 Hits


We practiced nunchucks in black belt class. Master Marcus gave good advice on how to get better at nunchucks. He says nunchucks are a broken weapon and to focus on the broken stick that you can control. I think you can say the same thing in life. You got focus on what you can control and change. Life is going to be unfair sometimes, and your going to face challenges that are out of your control. But the great thing about life is that you have the ability to change.

  420 Hits


My mentee has gotten all her stripes and is ready to test! I don't think she knows that she has been an awesome mentee. We prettty much have mentor sessions 3-4 times a week and she may complain here and there, but she always come and does them. Also, she only comes for the summer, but she's a fast learner and knows all the material. We have two more mentee sessions left, I can't wait for her to belt test. Went to Tiger World, I love going.  Went to the gym today and worked with my trainer. We did a weight-in and took measurements. I'm down 12lbs since May, gain muscle, and lose some inches. It's crazy that I started the year weighing 168lbs and now Im down to 141lbs.   

  471 Hits


Had a nice easy day. I got my college books, and cleaned up my room. 

  410 Hits


It was nice to have a day off. I got to take my dog to the dog park. He is super friendly with people, but he gets a little scared or aggressive with other dogs. He did better today and I was able to let him off his leash. My co-worker asked for my shift tomorrow, so Ill be going back to the park again.

  419 Hits


Burpees are getting easier. Progress!! Had a good day, played kickball with the older kids today at camp. Did lots of poomsaes and self-defense.

  467 Hits


Comic Con was fun. Being able to cosplay and taking pictures with people was so fun. I’m excited to go back in December. I plan to dress like Storm again and add on to my cosplay. Sad I miss black belt class, I heard it was great!!!

  391 Hits


Went to Charlotte ComicCon today, so much fun!!. I went dress-up as Storm from X-men. This was my first time cosplaying. I was super nervous, but I loved it. Can't wait to got back tomorrow. 

  477 Hits


Got my pinky kicked in sparring, its really bruised up. I cant really think about much right now because OMG MY PINKY IS SWOLLEN!!!! Done for the night, going to bed.

  421 Hits


Got a lot of requirements done at 9Rounds today! I did so many push-ups the day before so my arms/shoulders felt so weak when I was holding the pads. When I got home, I walked my dog and practiced some ASL.  A comic book convention is coming to Charlotte this weekend and I'ms so excited to go.   Also got a free ice cream at chick-fil-a! 

  423 Hits


When running this morning. I got a new app called Zombie Run, hopefully it will keep interested in running. Today and yesterday I've been practicing the ASL alphabet by spelling campers names. Its pretty fun, and it been helping me remember all the signs. The campers went to see Sing at the movies today. Most of kids (both king tiger kids and other camps) were singing and clapping along with the movie. I worked on self-defense and hopkito with Master Natasya. After work, I went to the gym with my mom and worked out. We haven't done that in awhile, but I really enjoyed it.   

  417 Hits

July 28th

Meal prepped my lunches this week. This week I need to work on running more and do more poomsaes and self defenses

  411 Hits

July 27th

Had an awesome sparring class and black belt class! Went to see Lion King. Now i'm going to try to clean my room super late tonight.

  409 Hits

July 27th

When you start focusing on yourself and things that really matter, everything else become white noise ...

  412 Hits

July 25th

Had a good day! Went mining with King Tiger kids. I need to stretch more. I been focusing on so much on strength and endurance that I think my kicks are not as high or easy.

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