
so today was a bad day until i went home and i went to tae kwon do. i like being at home and at tae kwon do because the people there aren't incompetent. i don't like school just because of the people there (not including my friends) , and also the fact that we have to learn. but i know i have to because if i don't go to school i'll be dumb and i won't get into a good university and if i don't do that i don't get any jobs and BAM i'm homeless. at tae kwon do i helped out, got a few requirements done due to us doing oh poomsae a million times and doing our self defence too. so now i don't have to do any extra when i get home. and let me just say, the people at tkd is what really makes it good because they are non incompetent and fun to talk to. goodbye and see you tomorrow